Best Kids Art School In Sydney

Brush up the creative minds of your kid With the creative art classes

Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of art? At Charming Colours Art School, we’re passionate about nurturing creativity and helping budding artists of all ages explore their potential.

What You Will Get in this Monthly Subscription?

Weekly Art Classes

Immerse yourself in the vibrant realm of art with four thrilling classes each month, exploring a kaleidoscope of techniques and mediums!

Expert Instruction

Learn from experienced instructors who provide personalized guidance and feedback to help you grow as an artist.

Creative Community

Join a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for art and creativity.

Growth Opportunities

Explore your artistic potential and develop your skills in a supportive and encouraging environment.

+ Unlimited Creativity Freedom

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Why to Choose Charming Colours Art school ?

Expert Instruction

Our experienced instructors are dedicated to guiding students through various art techniques and mediums.

Engaging Classes

We believe in making learning fun! Our classes are interactive and designed to inspire creativity.

Flexible Schedule

With our monthly subscription plan, you can attend weekly classes each month, giving you the flexibility to fit art into your busy schedule.


From 4.5 to 18 years old, our classes are tailored to suit different age groups, ensuring an enriching experience for every student.

How does the model work?

Fee Starting from $120 per month, you’ll gain access to

Who can take this Monthly Subscription?

Our monthly subscription plan is perfect for

Children Ages 4.5 to 18

Immerse yourself in the vibrant realm of art with four thrilling classes each month, exploring a kaleidoscope of techniques and mediums!

Parents Seeking Engaging Activities for Their Children

Give your child the gift of creativity! Our classes provide a stimulating and supportive environment for young minds to thrive

Teens with a Passion for Art

Are you a teenager who loves to express yourself through art? Join us and expand your skills under the guidance of our experienced instructors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What materials do I need for the classes?

All the art material is included in the course fee in monthly subscription model. You need not to buy separate art material. We provide brushes, colours, canvas 12/16inches, drawing sheets, pencils etc per class schedule, your child will take home the completed masterpiece after each class.

Q: Can I join even if I have no prior experience in art?

Absolutely! Our classes are open to students of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced artists. Our instructors tailor the lessons to accommodate varying levels of experience, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and challenged.

Q: Can I switch class times if my schedule changes?

We understand that life can be unpredictable! While we encourage consistency for optimal learning, we do offer flexibility in scheduling. If you need to switch to a different class time, simply reach out to our team, and we'll do our best to accommodate your request.

Q: How can students receive personalized attention in each class?

Our class sizes are intentionally kept small to allow our instructors to provide personalized attention and feedback to every student. Whether in-person or virtual, our instructors are dedicated to understanding each student's unique strengths and areas for growth, ensuring that they receive tailored guidance.